The beauty of our smile, and the health of our teeth and gums that carry them, are essential for our normal daily life.
Unfortunately, loss of one or more teeth results in surgical tooth implant replacement, which is far the best way to replace a lost tooth. More and more people prefer implants instead of classic dentures or ceramic bridges. This is primarily due to the high functional stability of the implant and the achievement of an aesthetic result. However, although there are undeniable advantages of implants, there are several contraindications for this type of treatment. Characteristics of each organism sometimes create a certain risk on the way to achievement of the desired results. There are many reasons why implant loss can occur, and the most common is periimplantitis.
Peri-implantitis occurs in patients with implants. It is an infectious inflammatory and destructive disease that affects the structure of the bones and soft tissues around the implant. Several important factors can affect this – possible causes are various, like incorrect implantation procedure, non-compliance with the protocol, inadequate prosthetic solution (bridge, crown, etc.) or history of periodontal disease. But, the biggest cause is smoking and lack of oral hygiene. Many elderly and middle-aged people are unable to adjust to prolonged and regular oral care. This leads to cavity on the remaining teeth and the development of inflammatory diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis and periimplantitis, which collect large amounts of plaque and tartar. One of the differences between periodontitis and periimplantitis is progression – periimplantitis progresses and spreads much faster, and is almost impossible to stop. Patients often think that by installing implants they have solved the problem od edentulousness forever. But dental implants are like your natural teeth – good oral hygiene and regular check-ups are necessary.
At the beginning, the symptoms are mild and go unnoticed. These are redness and bleeding gums around the implants. They are associated with the persistence of plaque and tartar, and peri-implant mucositis occurs. Such symptoms have not yet affected the bone and can be cured if they are recognized in time and not ignored. When more serious symptoms appear, it means that peri-implantitis has already occurred – swelling, pus around the implant and soreness. The diagnosis is also made on the basis of an X-ray on which a clear bone loss can be seen. These symptoms require treatment that includes antibiotics, prophylactic and surgical therapy. Treatment of peri-implantitis is very uncertain and rarely successful.
Treatment primarily refers to maintaining good hygiene and controlling bacterial plaque. Treatment methods can be surgical, but firstly we try non-surgical methods, and these include mechanical cleaning of the bacterial plaque and cleaning the pocket with chlorhexidine dilution. After that, the antibiotics treatment starts, and laser usage is also widespread lately. Surgical methods include an incision around the neck of the implant, and the last option is to remove the entire implant.
The implant is a complex type of dental rehabilitation. It has advantages and disadvantages, but the fact is that dental implants are by far the best solution dentistry has to offer. The lifespan of implants is estimated at several decades due to the high strength of the structure and equal tooth load distribution. To ensure the implant is long-lasting, it's essential to maintain regular check-ups with your dentist, and most importantly, oral hygiene, so that some of these diseases do not occur. Whether you use a hand or electric toothbrush, you should consult your dentist on how to brush your teeth and maintain proper oral hygiene correctly.
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